Campbell River's first sawmill

Wilfert Lumber Co. - Frank Wilfert's sawmill on the slough in Campbellton.

Boom tug at work near Elk Falls Mill

International Timber Co. camp near Campbell River

Loading logs at I.T. operations with a steam donkey and spar tree.

High rigger at Bendickson Logging operation

Aaron Erickson (high rigger) ready to go up a spar tree.

Beecher Lake Lumber Co. near Campbell River

Beecher Lake Lumber Co., which was owned and operated by the Baikie family of Campbell River, was located in the Campbell River estuary area. The Beecher Lake Lumber Co. milled the wood that was logged by Baikie Bros. Logging.

Pioneer Timber Co. logging truck

Leon Proteau in the cab of his truck near Port McNeill.

Forestry Camp at Thurston Bay

Baikie Bros. Logging at Upper Campell Lake

Bucyrus Erie 30-B heel boom loader being used at the Upper Campbell Lake prior to the lake level was raised for the hydro development project.

Elk River Timber Co. Camp 10

Looking southwest from the parking area; showing Upper Drum Lake.

Elk Falls Mill operations Campbell River

Mill worker getting ready to stack sheet on the calendar stack on the dry end of a paper machine.

Elk River Timber Co. logging camp

Crew at Hastings Co. operations in Granite Bay, Quadra Island

Hastings Logging outfit in Granite Bay, Quadra Island. Back row (left to right): Freddy Walker, Pete & Gus Norlander (who built sleighs for the donkeys). Front row (left to right): Debresay (the Superintendant), Margaret Cavenaugh, Jerry Cavenaugh (the Camp Boss), and youngsters Mary &...

Wilson and Brady's camp, Quadra Island

Elk Falls Mill operations Campbell River

Lumber carrier at the sawmill operations, Elk Falls Mill.

Sayward Logger Sports

Ladies setting chokers at the Sayward Logger Sports - Susy McKenzie on far right.

Hand fallers on springboards working on an under cut

Campbell River's first sawmill

The booming grounds near the Wilfert Lumber Co. sawmill.

Hastings Co. booming grounds at Rock Bay

Campbell River Logger Sports

Cross cut saw competition at logger's sports event in Campbell River. Event was held on Labour Day weekend and sponsored by the Kinsmen's Club.

International Timber Co. operations near Campbell River

A steam donkey and spar tree in operation.

Canadian Forest Products Ltd. Camp at Woss

Falling using an early chainsaw.

The 5 spot at Elk River Timber Co. Camp 8

Elk River Timber's Porter Locomotive (rod engine) in the yard at Camp 8 in front of the round house (locomotive repair shop).

Bloedel, Stewart and Welch Camp 5 at Brewster Lake

Elk Falls Mill Campbell River

Sayward Logger Sports

Men race over the floating logs in the choker race.