Elk River Timber co. trestle rail on Echo Lake

Note the spur for sandhouse on the left (where sand was cleaned and dried for locomotive brakes).

S and S Trucking fleet and crew

From left: Charlie and Ruth Chapple, proprietors of Fisherman's Lodge at Oyster River; Bill Schnare, owner of S and S Trucking; Al Friessen, top mechanic for S and S; ?; Joe Mitchell; Fred Clarke, assistant manager for S and S; Stan Schnare, manager for S and S; John Kirkland; Shorty McKinnley...

Logging at Loughborough Inlet

A loaded White truck and trailer at Beaver Creek, Loughborough Inlet.

Nimpkish Timber Co.

The log dump at Camp 8.

Canadian Forest Products Ltd. Camp at Woss

Cat logging.

Elk Bay Timber Co. logging locomotive on a trestle

Logging locomotive belonging to Elk Bay Timber Co.

Bloedel, Stewart and Welch Camp 5 at Brewster Lake

Rail line and shop area.

Crew from Bendickson Logging enjoying a break

Lewis Larson, an unknown man, and Julius Sampson trout fishing in Patterson Creek on a Sunday off. Note the remains of a skid road bridge across the creek above their heads - this was a skid road built by Patterson Logging about 10 years earlier.

Canadian Forest Products speeder

Elk Falls Mill operations Campbell River

Mill carpenters replacing the roof of a paper barge at low tide.

Bunkhouse at Clark and Lyford Ltd. Camp 2

Interior of Bunk House in Camp 2 of Clark and Lyford, Ltd. - typical of the better class of British Columbia logging camps. Shows double steel bunks for 40 men, stove, clothing on lines, etc.

Beecher Lake Lumber Co. sawmill

Beecher Lake Lumber Co., which was owned and operated by the Baikie family of Campbell River, was located in the Campbell River estuary area. The Beecher Lake Lumber Co. milled the wood that was logged by Baikie Bros. Logging.

Pioneer Timber Co. in Port McNeill

View of the logging camp buildings at Pioneer Timber Co. at their operations at Port McNeill.

Elk River Timber Co. Camp 8

Looking west from the centre of camp.

A burnt out logging camp

T.J. Brown Co. Camp after the Sayward Fire.

High lead spar tree near Menzie's Bay

High lead spar tree, near Bloedel, Stewart and Welch camp, in their British Columbia operations 70 miles north of Vancouver. Spar tree 160 feet high.

Cutting firewood at Elk River Timber Camp 6

Dave McDonald cutting up wood with a "Wee McGregor", likely to be used in woodstoves to heat the bunkhouses and other camp buildings.

Loggers on boom at Call Inlet

Logger Sports event at Port Alberni

Vice President of I.W.A. Local 185 Walter Yates (right) presents Laurence McIvor (left) with the Dayton Shoe challenge trophy in Port Alberni.

A stand of timber on Redonda Island

View taken in medium sized Fir and Cedar timber on Surveyed Timber limit 743, Redonda Island, elevation 200 feet, 100 miles northwest of Vancouver, BC.

International Timber Co. camp near Campbell River

The camp handyman Gordon Jamieson. His brother was the first Doctor in Campbell River.

Bloedel, Stewart and Welch log dump at Menzie's Bay

Merrill and Ring Logging Co.

Merrill and Ring Logging Co. camp at Duncan Bay. Note that the bunkhouses are designed to be moved on the railroad.

Dot Logging Co. at Knight Inlet

Steve Nykolaichuk, Jack and Ken Clark (brothers) with a fourth unidentified man moving the donkey to a new setting at Lull Bay in Knight Inlet. Dot Logging Co. was operated by Clarence and Doug Boardman. This steam donkey (a 10 X12) was restored by the Museum at Campbell River and is now on...

Loading logs at Elk River Timber Co operations

Loading logs with 'L' hooks onto rail cars, which was an extremely unstable and dangerous process.