Crew from Bendickson Logging enjoying a break

Lewis Larson, an unknown man, and Julius Sampson trout fishing in Patterson Creek on a Sunday off. Note the remains of a skid road bridge across the creek above their heads - this was a skid road built by Patterson Logging about 10 years earlier.

Coal Creek Logging Ltd. camp, Granite Bay

Coal Creek Logging Ltd. was owned and operated by Les and Agnes Bestwick. In 1944 they moved their truck logging operations to Granite Bay and logged in that area until 1955/56. They sold their logging operation to the Baikie Brothers of Campbell River.

Paper machines at Elk Falls Mill

Possibly a sheet coming out of the pulp drier.

Merrill, Ring and Wilson Co. locomotive at Rock Bay

Elk River Timber Co. camp in Campbell River area

Logging with a steel spar in the Campbell River area

A steel spar and a heel boom loader

Steam donkey near Menzie's Bay

Detail of Combination Yarder and Loader from side away from track, showing 'Tootsie' whistle signal manufactured by C. M. Lovsted and Co., Alaska building, Seattle. Willamette 11x14 High Speed Yarder and Loader. June 22, 1917, 5:50 p.m. Bloedel, Stewart and Welch B.C. Logging...

Loggers at Bloedel Stewart & Welch, Camp 4

Canadian Forest Products Ltd. Camp at Woss

Felled and bucked logs.

Beecher Lake Lumber Co. near Campbell River

Beecher Lake Lumber Co., which was owned and operated by the Baikie family of Campbell River, was located in the Campbell River estuary area. The Beecher Lake Lumber Co. milled the wood that was logged by Baikie Bros. Logging.

Elk Falls Mill operations Campbell River

Mill worker getting ready to stack sheet on the calendar stack on the dry end of a paper machine.

Heeled in yellow pine and sitka spruce seedlings

Preparation for planting at Knox Bay on Thurlow Island. Saplings were rested in troughs in the dirt to allow their roots exposure to soil and water before they were ready to be taken out in the field and planted.

Elk River Timber Co. crew at the bunkhouses

Woss Lake Loggers' Day

Chris Arnet competes in the tree climbing event.

An early two-man Burnett chainsaw

One of the first two-man chainsaws, manufactured by Dick Burnett of Burnett Chainsaws, was copied from the old 'Hitler' style saw. This one was used at Bloedel, Stewart and Welch Camp 5 on the Salmon River Mainline.

Group of loggers at Port Neville

Woss camp logger sports

Italo Cavagguin? competing in the eye splicing event.

Elk River Timber Co. crew at camp

ERT crew members, Ray Manning, Shorty LaRock, and one unidentified man.

Byles and Groves at Port Neville

Allan Roberts driving a logging truck .

Port Neville float camp

Dewey Parker's floathouse, part of a logging camp operations at Port Neville..

Bloedel, Stewart and Welch, Camp 5

Art Backlund, Camp 5 mechanic, Dick Burnett (manufacturer of Burnett Chainsaws), and camp foreman Martin Fossum with a new two-man Burnett chainsaw.

Cutting firewood at Elk River Timber Camp 6

Dave McDonald cutting up wood with a "Wee McGregor", likely to be used in woodstoves to heat the bunkhouses and other camp buildings.

Elk Falls Mill Campbell River

Bendickson Logging crew members

Identification from right: Gus Halverson, Julius Sampson, and Lars Lovick.

Loggers on holiday at Heriot Bay on Quadra Island

At the launch of the Bull family's new boat, the New Zealand, a tug-of-war between the miners and the loggers took place.